Patrick Jurney
Lab Website
- All current lab members and lab alumni can be found at
Dr. Patrick Jurney is the Kordestani Endowed Chair and an Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department at San José State University. He is also a Fellow of the American Heart Association. His research program centers on pioneering work in mechanotransduction of fluid shear stress, endothelial cell biology, cardiovascular biomaterials, nanoparticle drug delivery, and thrombosis and hemostasis. After earning his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, he completed a National Institutes of Health T-32 postdoctoral fellowship at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Jurney directs the efforts of both undergraduate and master’s students in his laboratory and serves on the executive committee of the Microscale Process Engineering Laboratory (MPEL). Beyond his research, he is dedicated to providing foundational engineering education and advanced courses aligned with his areas of expertise. Strategically located in Silicon Valley, his laboratory fosters strong industry collaborations to cultivate a diverse, resilient workforce and drive innovations that improve human health. Dr. Jurney welcomes students and collaborators who are passionate about tackling complex biomedical challenges.
- Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX)
- M.S. (Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX)
- B.S. (Mechanical Engineering, University of Portland, Portland, OR)
For more information on Dr. Jurney's research interests and publications visit his group's website:
Honors and Awards
- Kordestani Endowed Chair
- Fellow of The American Heart Association
- College of Engineering Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship
- Quantum Corporation Faculty Teaching Fellow Award
- ASEE DELTA Junior Faculty Institute
- David Bruton, Jr. Graduate School Fellowship (UT Austin)
- NSF GRFP Honorable Mention
- Undergraduate and Graduate Presidential Scholar
- NCAA All-West Region Academic All American
- Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Student Award
BME 207 - Experimental Methods in Biomedical Engineering
BME 196R – Biological Microfluidics
BME 188 - Biomedical Device Manufacturing
BME 117 - Biotransport Phenomena
BME 115 - Foundations of Biomedical Engineering
BME 115L - Foundations of Biomedical Engineering Laboratory
Preferred: 408-924-3921
Office Hours
- Please contact Dr. Jurney directly for updated office hours.