Graduate Applicants

Application Requirements

  • For university admission requirements, application deadlines, and instructions, visit the Admission Requirements page.
  • The online application will ask you to submit the email addresses of two people who have agreed to write letters of recommendation for you. They will be contacted by the program and asked to upload the letters. Everything else - including the application essay - should be included with the CSU application.
  • A note about the essay: Our admissions committee will be looking for evidence of strong writing as well as an indication that you understand the focus of our program and have career objectives that align with it. We want to be sure our program is a good fit for your goals.

If you have questions about JMC's graduate program or graduate assistantship opportunities, contact the Graduate Program Coordinator, Prof. Diana Stover. 

菠菜网lol正规平台 Spartan LogoDiana Stover
Professor, Graduation Program Coordinator
